Sparking Transformation Beyond Boundaries

I work directly with business founders and leaders, conducting workshops either online or in person, to transform business and reshape perception and value, realign the brand and business model. I seek to find space to play and win, while aligning teams and building trust internally and externally with customers. I also collaborate with my associates, also Level C certified, and other associates, to bring powerful solutions that are long term and effective.

What if You Could Answer These Questions;

  • Why are you in Business beyond making money?
  • Who are you in business for?
  • Why does it matter to them?

7 Steps to Purposeful Clarity

Step 1 : Framing

We begin by framing and bringing into focus where your business sits amongst your competitors, and where the problems you are experiencing could be solved.

Step 2 : Research and Exploration

After researching the landscape you currently sit in, researching your competitors and audiences, I come back to you to report what I see and we discuss potential scenarios to explore where you should look to build growth.

Step 3: Collaborative Workshops and Playbook

We go through a series of collaborative workshops with you and your team, to gather the information that allows us to design an innovate to create an impactful brand. We can start with problem framing workshops, and work our way through designing every aspect of your brand from employer brand and leadership, to building or rebuilding your culture to your customer experience.

Step 4: Brand Implementation

We discuss how to implement your brand, how will it play out in your communications? How will you measure it’s success? With you, we decide the communications to focus on, and by engaging with my partners in marketing and design, I manage the process for you, making implementation easier and giving you back your time.

Step 5: Naming the Brand

I help you name the brand if need be. I will take you through my naming process, which involves legal searches to ensure availability and trademarking potential.

Step 6: Visualising the Brand

I visualise your brand by designing a logo, and the styling around it, for example your colours, patterns, typography and imagery. You will also get a brand playbook, showing how to use the visuals and the strategy together. I collaborate with and manage other designers and marketeers to design and create your communications and campaigns, ensuring they stay on brand.

Step 7: Brand Coaching

After completing your brand strategy work, I can support you by becoming your outsourced brand coach, which frees up your time, while I keep watch on your brand, and help you to align new decisions or changing landscapes within the brand. By working with my associates I manage the process for you to create marketing plans, create content, create artworks for digital and print distribution, and design any further touchpoints to activate the brand.

My Associates

As an independent consultant, I offer you unparalleled flexibility and direct access to me. When I commission and collaborate with my trusted associates on your project, I take full responsibility for managing the entire process. This assures you of impeccable quality, and knowledge and expertise in dealing with web developers, printers, sign makers and the like. I have the expertise and experience to brief and manage my associates, and although I will keep you informed, I will spare you the minor details, and only bring to you what you need to know, which frees up your time and gives you peace of mind that it is all in expert hands.

Engaging a Brand Collective

Pictured above are collaborative partners Adele Kelly, Barbara Monahan, and Yvonne Lugtenburg with Andy Starr of Level C.
Photo: Courtesy of Level C.

Working as a collective, we can bring together the wisdom and experience of a collective who’re all certified brand architects with Level C. Based in Europe and the UK, we combine differing experiences with creativity and innovation. Together we serve to create impactful brands for ambitious entrepreneurs, CEOs and visionaries in the marketplace, in a time where customer behaviours and business is dramatically changing.

Our collective works alongside each of our businesses where we can scale up or down depending on the scope of the project and what the client needs are.

Pictured here are some of my Level C collaborators with Andy Starr, one of the (not as famous as Marty but just as good) founders of Level C.