Hello. I’m Barbara, a brander who will harmoniously disrupt and quietly challenge traditional thinking to reshape business perception, and add value and meaning. Guiding visionary founders and leaders to their innovative future with the clarity to build trust, through sustainable
and human centred change.

Are you a visionary business leader seeking to bridge the gap between short term fixes and your long term strategic future? Are you ready for change? Let’s embrace the power of creativity and innovation to amplify the sustainable growth of your business…

…I’m listening.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

Author and Motivational Speaker

Are you too caught up in short term tasks, cluttering your communications because you keep adding instead of subtracting? Are you losing sight of your vision? Are you able to tell your story? We are all guilty of this, it’s human nature, but have you taken a step back to assess your business’s impact and your customers’ perception of you? Are you facing confusion or losing customers? Is competition fierce? Let’s collaborate to redefine your vision, gain clarity to build trust, and ensure your business is accurately perceived and valued. Say goodbye to wasted time and misdirected campaigns, and hello to lasting success.

‘…I am so glad I choose to work with you. Our session was so relaxed, you listened and didn’t influence. You guided when necessary and let me talk out loud about so many aspects of my business which I don’t get to share with others, and is so empowering, fulfilling and insightful…’

Sharon Dehmel, Intercultural Leadership Coach

7 Steps to Brand Clarity

1. Brand Guides You to Purposeful Clarity

How do you know where you are going if you do not have your path mapped out? How do you promote and sell your products and services if you do not know why you are doing what you? Do you have a purpose beyond making money, a purpose that matters to your customers? Are you able to tell your story?

2. Brand Defines Your Business Culture

Every leader dreams of an engaged and happy team. Building that team is hard, but it begins with creating a strong culture, and activating what you stand for and against. When your culture is broken or toxic, your customers see it, trust is lost, and they walk away. For every business decision you make, you need to know your purpose and values, which are built into in your business culture. This helps you to attract and retain the right employees and partners to your business, and have loyal and engaged customers who become brand advocates.

3. Engage Customers and Build Loyalty

Brand is the connector that works with your business strategy and informs your short term activities, like marketing, logo design and PR. Trust is the key, but trust is an emotion, and not something tangible or data based. How do you build that trust with your audience? Do you know who that audience is? Trust is built in the subconscious mind of your audience. By finding your authentic purpose to connect to your ideal audience, you build trust through the creation of value and meaning. 

4. Consistency Builds Brands

Consistency in behaviours, voice, character, and in the visual expression of your business, is the key to connect your value and meaning to your audience. Consistency helps you to tell your brand story to your audience. Much of the perception happens in their subconscious mind. Our subconscious is where thoughts and feeling live. It takes nano seconds for these thoughts and feelings to bubble up to the conscious brain, where they become beliefs. By being consistent, you are repeating your value and meaning in the customers brain so that they attach what you can do for them to that consistent expression of your brand. 

5. Brand Builds Trust

Trust is an emotion, and every communication and interaction with customers is a step towards building trust. As soon as you do or say something that deviates from what you stand for, your audience will reprimand you for it, and potentially walk away to your opposition. Staying on brand in every business decision is key to controlling the perception of your brand and building trust.

6. Brand Differentiates You

You need to show your audience what you can do for them, and why it matters to them. There will always be opposition and challengers in the market, but the important piece is, to make your business uncopyable, and move to a place where there is white space to play and stay relevant to your audience. Find your differentiation, and you will leave your opposition in your wake.

7. Brand Clarifies Your Marketing

Do you know if your sales team are communicating in the same voice to your audience as your marketing team is doing on social media? Are your teams able to interact with customers autonomously in a way that creates advocates? If your messages and interactions are inconsistent you are confusing your audience. Before you amplify your business by marketing it, you should look to gain clarity of purpose and develop your brand first, so that, your marketing can then amplify your truth in an authentic and engaging way to add value to the right audience.

What is Your Next Step?

As the first certified brand architect in the Republic of Ireland, I would love to help you refocus your business to amplify growth, through purposeful brand design. Let’s have a conversation.

What My Experience Can Offer You

Brand Matters

We like to share our expertise, and publish articles to give you insights to the world of brand. Follow us here.

Are You in Control?

Now you have developed a brand strategy… what does it look like?

Mapping Your Business

Now you have developed a brand strategy… what does it look like?